Filter in SubForm

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I have an MS Access DB, and some tables and forms.

Table: Seller
Fields: sellerID (PK), name, address

Table: Lot
Fields: lotID (PK), sellerID (FK), name, serialnum

Mother form: frmSeller
Sub form: frmLot

I also have a form for searching. There is a text box calle
"txtSellerID". I can type in "50", and both frmSeller and frmLot wil
return details for seller 50.

Now, I want to create a text box in this search form, calle
"txtSerialnum", so I can search for the seller's details and the lot'
details by using the serial number of the item / lot.

Problem is, because the two tables, and hence the two forms, are linke
buy using the key sellerID, when frmSeller gets opened, it can open an
apply filter to millions of records in the seller table; but then th
sub form frmLot gets opened, and it can only apply filter to the lot
that are linked to the first seller, and cannot see / search / appl
filter to other lots belong to other seller.

How can I do that