Combine the 2 into a string, like this:
Dim strWhere As String
strWhere = "([Cl] = """ & Me.CL & """) AND ([Set] = """ & Me.ID & """)"
'Debug.Print strWhere
With Forms![COA]
If .Dirty Then .Dirty = False
.Filter = strWhere
.FilterOn = True
End With
1. If these fields are Number type (not Text type) when you open the table
in design view, omit the extra quotes. For an explanation of the quotes,
2. Hopefully CL and ID are *unbound* controls, so you're not trying to use
them both for saving the value into the current record and also for setting
the filter on the form.
3. SET is a reserved word, so could cause you grief in some contexts. For a
list of the words to avoid when creating fields, see:
4. If you have lots of these to combine, you might like to download the
sample application in this article, pull it apart, and see how it builds the
filter string:
Search form - Handle many optional criteria
Allen Browne - Microsoft MVP. Perth, Western Australia
Reply to group, rather than allenbrowne at mvps dot org.
Faraz A. Qureshi said:
How can I join two .Filter statements so as to apply multiple criteria.
Please rewrite the following code in this regard, because it results into
filter being applied first on Cl = CL basis, then CHANGES the same to Set
ID basis, whereas, I require both conditions to be met.
Forms![COA].Filter = "[Cl] = " & """" & Me.CL & """"
Forms![COA].Filter = "[Set] = " & """" & Me.ID & """"