Filter data and print totals



Have a spreadsheet which contains the following.
Column A: Date (from July 1, 2005 - June 30, 2006)
Column B: Drop
Colums C: Win

Created a custom filter: to be able to see only the data from ie: July 1 -
July 10.

Problem I have is once the data is filtered, I need to have totals on the
bottom off Column B and C for that particular filtered period.

Can print the filtered data allright, but can't seem to get the totals of
those colums on the print sheet.

Anyone who can help me out please?


Hi Renold,
If using Office 2003, I wud suggest to use the List Function and all ur
problems will be solved.
Just try and you'll realise the ease of getting results ur way.

Debra Dalgleish

If you filter the data, you can use the Subtotal function, instead of
SUM, to total only the filtered data. For example, for your amounts in
column B, use this formula in the summary:


Look in Excel's Help for the different arguments you can use in the
Subtotal function.

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