-----Original Message-----
Hi Dave
The solution will depend on your data structure.
Presumably you have a table of countries, and related table of coins, and a
related (join?) table of coin characteristics.
If so, you should be able to nominate the list box in the LinkMasterFields
property of the subform control, and Access will take care of it from there.
David Hubbard said:
-----Original Message-----
Reassign the RowSource of the combo, e.g.:
Forms![MyForm]![MyCombo].RowSource = "SELECT
[employeename] FROM [EmployeeTable] WHERE [section id]
Good day Allen Browne,
I recently found your response to Chris, that seemed to
answer my problems. Except that what I'm trying to do is
have a TABed form. TAB I has a listbox listing
Countries/Continents/Number of coins in collection. Once
a country is pressed and the user clicks onto TAB II,
which has another listbox listing all the coins from that
country. Now the hard part. Once the user chooses one
coin, TAB III's subform is supposed to display all the
characteristics connected to that coin.
I have queries for each TAB. I haven't been able to find
the right SQL for the query which takes the 2 criterias
from 2 listboxes on 2 different TABs. One is the
countryID#, the other is the coinID#.
Any thoughts, or assistance, would be greatly appreciated,
Dave :~)
Hi there Allen,
I thought your last post would have worked, except once I
( nominate the list box in the LinkMasterFiels property
of the subform control. )
like you suggested nothing seemed to change.
I'll give you some specs:
Table 1 has: countryID# / country name / continent name.
Table 2 has: countryID#/ coinID#/ and all the other
I have the countryID# being the Primary Key being similar
to both tables.
So in TAB I I'm trying, with a list box, to list the
countries to be picked and used as one of the criterias to
be used in TAB III.
In TAB II, also with a list box, having the country from
TAB I be the criteria for filtering out its' coins.
Also in TAB II the user must pick one of the coins
listed. After it is picked TAB III is chosen to show all
the characteristics for such coin.
I have a query, when run outside a subform, will ask for
which countryID# and which coinID#, before filtering with
these 2 criterias. Access will use 2 criterias fine this
way but won't use 2 from list boxes. Confusing?
Any other thoughts as to other directions to use 2
seperate criterias from 2 different list boxes?