Filter by Combo Boxes

Feb 6, 2006
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Hello everyone,

I’m trying to build a form that uses three dropdown combo boxes.

The first one would show you all of the Managers in the company.

The second drop down would show all of the supervisors that report directly to the Managers you picked in the first combo box.
And if you don’t choose any of the managers, it would show you all of the supervisors in the company.

The third dropdown combo box will show all of the employees that report directly to the supervisor that was picked from the second dropdown combo box, and if no supervisor was picked and no Manager was picked, you would see all the employees. But if you picked a manager and no supervises in the employee dropdown combo box you would see all the employees that report directly to all the supervises that report directly to that managers

I was also hoping I could view/print a report that shows this information.

I started working on it in VBA, but continue to get a lot of errors.
Below is the code I have put together so far.

If anyone can help at all, I would be very appreciate of

Thank you again for all your help

Private Sub cmdVeiwReport_Click()
If IsNull(Me.cboManagerDropdown) Then
DoCmd.OpenReport Me.cboReportDropDown, acViewPreview


If IsNull(Me.cboManagerDropDown] Then
DoCmd.OpenReport Me.cboReportDropDown, acViewPreview, , "[Manager]='" & Me.cboManagerDropDown.Column(1) & "'"


DoCmd.OpenReport Me.cboReportDropDown, acViewPreview, , "[ supervisor]='" & Me.cboMagaerDropDown(1) & "' And " & "[Manager5] = '" & Me.cbosupervisor Downdown & "'"

End If
End Sub
Welcome to pcreview Corey:thumb:

Sorry can't help you, but someone else may be able too.