The worksheet where the data is residing is called "Master
Employee" and I need to copy every row onto a worksheet
called "Labels". Every row copied will fill in 10 rows on
the "labels" worksheet. Both the wkshts have the same
column headings.
I have data on Master Employee and need to copy to Labels.
Master Employee!A1 to A1:A10 on Labels
Master Employee!A2 to A11:A20 on Labels
Master Employee!A3 to A21:A30 on Labels
Master Employee!A4 to A31:A40 on Labels
and so on.
Employee" and I need to copy every row onto a worksheet
called "Labels". Every row copied will fill in 10 rows on
the "labels" worksheet. Both the wkshts have the same
column headings.
I have data on Master Employee and need to copy to Labels.
Master Employee!A1 to A1:A10 on Labels
Master Employee!A2 to A11:A20 on Labels
Master Employee!A3 to A21:A30 on Labels
Master Employee!A4 to A31:A40 on Labels
and so on.