I wanted to run this by the gurus out there to see if my method of filling
an integer array from a DataReader makes sense. The number of rows the
DataReader will return would not be known beforehand, unless I make a
separate ExecuteScalar call to the database and use a sproc that will return
COUNT(ApptIDs) from my table. Since I do not want to make this extra call to
the DB, I am creating an empty integer array and then using ReDim with
Preserve to resize the array for each record returned by the DataReader.
Does this make sense? Is there a better way? Thanks. JT
Here's my code:
Private Function GetMissedAppts() As Integer()
Dim ApptIDs() As Integer = New Integer() {}
Dim dR As SqlDataReader
Dim count As Integer
dR = Me.sqlCmdGetMissedAppts.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection)
With dR
If .HasRows Then
While .Read
ReDim Preserve ApptIDs(count)
ApptIDs(count) = .GetInt32(0)
count += 1
End While
End If
End With
Return ApptIDs
Catch ex As Exception
LogExceptions(Me.Name, "GetMissedAppts", ex)
MessageBox.Show("An error occurred retrieving the list of missed
appointments", "Missed Appts Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK,
Return Nothing
If dR.IsClosed = False Then dR.Close()
End Try
End Function
I wanted to run this by the gurus out there to see if my method of filling
an integer array from a DataReader makes sense. The number of rows the
DataReader will return would not be known beforehand, unless I make a
separate ExecuteScalar call to the database and use a sproc that will return
COUNT(ApptIDs) from my table. Since I do not want to make this extra call to
the DB, I am creating an empty integer array and then using ReDim with
Preserve to resize the array for each record returned by the DataReader.
Does this make sense? Is there a better way? Thanks. JT
Here's my code:
Private Function GetMissedAppts() As Integer()
Dim ApptIDs() As Integer = New Integer() {}
Dim dR As SqlDataReader
Dim count As Integer
dR = Me.sqlCmdGetMissedAppts.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection)
With dR
If .HasRows Then
While .Read
ReDim Preserve ApptIDs(count)
ApptIDs(count) = .GetInt32(0)
count += 1
End While
End If
End With
Return ApptIDs
Catch ex As Exception
LogExceptions(Me.Name, "GetMissedAppts", ex)
MessageBox.Show("An error occurred retrieving the list of missed
appointments", "Missed Appts Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK,
Return Nothing
If dR.IsClosed = False Then dR.Close()
End Try
End Function