Thank you very much.
I enter the following expression. But it gave syntax error.
=Dlookup("[PARTDESC]","[DESC]","[PARTNO] = '" & [PARTNO] & "'" )
Then I enter the following expression by using help in expression builder.
=DLookup("[PARTDESC]", "DESC", "[PARTNO] =" _
& Forms![FORM]!PARTNO)
it gave syntax error too. What is wrong.
DESC: table name
PARTDESC: description's field name in the table DESC
PARTNO:number's field name in the table DESC
2nd PARTNO: field name of part no in the form.
Ofer said:
It called a DLookup in Access.
In the control source of the Iten Desc write
' If item number type is number
=Dlookup("[ItemDesc]","[Table Name]","[ItemNumber] = " & [Item Number Field
Name In the Form] )
' If item number type is text
=Dlookup("[ItemDesc]","[Table Name]","[ItemNumber] = '" & [Item Number Field
Name In the Form] & "'" )
I hope that helped
Good luck
AhmtDY said:
I have a database (table). e.g. part no vs part description.
Then I created a form that includes part no, part description, etc.
I don't want to enter the part description whenever I enter the part no. Is
there a method for this. (like a VLOOKUP in excel)