Brent Fanguy
Ok Guru's. I need to know how to do the following:
I have a form that has a combo box that uses a group by
qry for its data. (basically i am selecting all the unique
records from a table). I know i can store one field from
the combo box, but i want to take the record they pick and
fill the fields on the form for them. (this way if they
have entered a record like the one they are on the just
have to pick it from the combo box and it will fill the
form in for them. if not they manually enter the info,
save and next time it will show up on the list.
I have a form that has a combo box that uses a group by
qry for its data. (basically i am selecting all the unique
records from a table). I know i can store one field from
the combo box, but i want to take the record they pick and
fill the fields on the form for them. (this way if they
have entered a record like the one they are on the just
have to pick it from the combo box and it will fill the
form in for them. if not they manually enter the info,
save and next time it will show up on the list.