FileSystemWatcher.WaitForChanged surprising (wrong?) behaviour

  • Thread starter Thread starter John Aldridge
  • Start date Start date

John Aldridge

I'm trying to use the System.IO.FileSystemWatcher class in code like...

using (FileSystemWatcher changeMonitor = new FileSystemWatcher("."))
for (; ; )
WaitForChangedResult c = changeMonitor.WaitForChanged(
WatcherChangeTypes.Created, 60 * 1000);

Console.WriteLine ("Creation");

and the code works as expected unless a file change /other/ than a
creation occurs in the folder, at which point the WaitForChanged call no
longer returns even after another creation.

So, in an empty folder

echo >a.txt ("Creation" is printed)
echo >b.txt ("Creation" is printed)
dele b.txt (nothing happens, as expected)
echo >c.txt (** nothing happens ... why? **)

Is this the intended behaviour? It seems rather surprising!

I note that if I change the code to pass WatcherChangeTypes.All, then
the code works as expected, but I get notification of changes I'm not
interested in.
Hi John,

I was able to repro that behavior and it seems like a bug to me. You should
think about notifying Microsoft :)

Here's a work-around for you in the mean-time:

// 2.0 framework code:

using (FileSystemWatcher changeMonitor = new FileSystemWatcher("."))
System.Threading.EventWaitHandle wait =
new System.Threading.EventWaitHandle(false,

string createdFile = null;

changeMonitor.EnableRaisingEvents = true;
changeMonitor.Created +=
delegate(object sender, FileSystemEventArgs e)
createdFile = e.FullPath;

while (true) // personal preference ;)
if (wait.WaitOne(60 * 1000, false))