Rob Oldfield
I have an app (that should really be a service, but I haven't got round to
it yet) that just monitors a network folder via a filesystemwatcher for new
files and then does its thing. Generally, it works fine, but it fails about
once a month - which is about one every 2-3 hundred files. No error message
or exceptions... it just fails to notice that the file has appeared. After
that, any other new files are also ignored.
I'm thinking of switching to a dir function running every ten seconds or
so....but was wondering if anyone had any ideas about the situation.
it yet) that just monitors a network folder via a filesystemwatcher for new
files and then does its thing. Generally, it works fine, but it fails about
once a month - which is about one every 2-3 hundred files. No error message
or exceptions... it just fails to notice that the file has appeared. After
that, any other new files are also ignored.
I'm thinking of switching to a dir function running every ten seconds or
so....but was wondering if anyone had any ideas about the situation.