
  • Thread starter Thread starter jonah
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I don't suppose there is any chance of getting the XP version of File
Sharing back. Vistas' system is an over complicated pain IMO. I am
behind a professional Network system and a Hardwired Firewall I do not
need all this aggravation just to share a folder on the local network.
Its very confusing to do so and generally does not work except Vista >
to XP & Linux boxes. Can connect to Vista but not read /write from
another box on the network. Tried all the tweaks, workarounds posted
here, still having lots of trouble. I want my old Network setup back

Samba are working on a Windows version last I saw, wonder if that will
be able to replace the pretty but annoying Network System.

Any thoughts?

Yes I agree whole heartedly that Vista should allow those computer literate
users to be able to take control of their PC rather than being controlled as
if you are the lowest form of life (PC wise) and needs to be protected from

I have four computers that I network on a home network and for convenience
under XP allow file sharing to the extent that the entire C:\ HDD has file
sharing enabled which enables me to the greatest flexibility in having read
write access to any file on any computer. I may not be typical of the
mainstream user that Microsoft is targeting and therefore I am cognizant of
this in making a mild criticism of Vista that it has too much protection. No
doubt that when Vista becomes the OS of (HOBSON's) choice, because XP falls
by the wayside then the computer geeks will then fill the void with third
party add ons.

I am also aware that these comments may be premature, in so much that Vista
is a Beta version and it's all you should expect at this stage.

When I understand Vistas target audience then hopefully I can understand why
Microsoft did what they did. At the moment I am just a few days into the
evaluation and therefore making comments from a point of ignorance, maybe
these capabilities are available just below the surface, no doubt any
re-education on my part will come from the newsgroup.

The Runner.

There are quite a few tweaks and workrounds for most of the more
irritating security stuff posted here but I cannot find any way to get
"simple" file sharing to work properly and the actual sharing of files
is a joke at present. I hope MS will fix this for RC1 and the final
build, if not its more than likely somebody will come up with a proper
fix or third party app to "fix" Vistas' file sharing with something
simpler and useable.

It strikes me as a bit like the "online / offline files"
synchronisation stuff, confusing and all to easy to wipe out files
instead of update them because of the language used. "source file /
target file" is clear and self explanitory. Now we have "Public /
Private" files to share or not? Either a file is shared or its not,
why obscure the issue deliberately.


Yes I agree whole heartedly that Vista should allow those computer literate
users to be able to take control of their PC rather than being controlled as
if you are the lowest form of life (PC wise) and needs to be protected from

I have four computers that I network on a home network and for convenience
under XP allow file sharing to the extent that the entire C:\ HDD has file
sharing enabled which enables me to the greatest flexibility in having read
write access to any file on any computer. I may not be typical of the
mainstream user that Microsoft is targeting and therefore I am cognizant of
this in making a mild criticism of Vista that it has too much protection. No
doubt that when Vista becomes the OS of (HOBSON's) choice, because XP falls
by the wayside then the computer geeks will then fill the void with third
party add ons.

I am also aware that these comments may be premature, in so much that Vista
is a Beta version and it's all you should expect at this stage.

When I understand Vistas target audience then hopefully I can understand why
Microsoft did what they did. At the moment I am just a few days into the
evaluation and therefore making comments from a point of ignorance, maybe
these capabilities are available just below the surface, no doubt any
re-education on my part will come from the newsgroup.

The Runner.