Filesearch by last modified time...

  • Thread starter Thread starter BTW
  • Start date Start date


Hi there,

I have a macro with the following code in there:

It is searching for the last modified file between now, and 3 quarters
back. But, Excel returns an error...

this is my code:

GetDate = Now
GetDate2 = GetDate - 0.03

With Application.FileSearch

.LookIn = TSV_File_Path
.Filename = "*.tsv"
.PropertyTests.Add Name:="LastModified", _ (***Here is
generates an error***)
Condition:=msoConditionAnytimeBetween, _
Value:=GetDate2, _
SecondValue:=GetDate, _

If .FoundFiles.Count <> 0 Then

For i = 1 To .FoundFiles.Count
FoundedFilename = .FoundFiles(i)
Next i
Workbooks.OpenText Filename:=FoundedFilename
Excel_TSV_file = Application.ActiveWorkbook.Name


MsgBox " No files found", vbOKOnly

End If

End With

Why doens't it work? can somebody help me out?

I never used that, but help says it is not
"Last Modified"

Greetings from Bavaria, Germany

Helmut Weber

Win XP, Office 2003
"red.sys" & Chr$(64) & ""
Hi Alok

the error code I get is error code 5:

"invalid procedure call or argument"

Strange it works at your pc!

O, and when I put a watch on Value and value2, it says that the value
is not defined in the did i write down the "getdate"
values on a wrong way?


BTW schreef:
You may want to Dim the GetDate and GetDate2 as Date
Dim GetDate as Date
Dim GetDate2 as Date
This is just a shot in the dark..
Alok schreef:
You may want to Dim the GetDate and GetDate2 as Date
Dim GetDate as Date
Dim GetDate2 as Date
This is just a shot in the dark..

i did do that...does somebody have an example that finds files by last
modfied time in minutes?
I solved the problem.

it is about how the date is formatted. In my case it was formatted as
2006-11-28, but it should be 28/11/06....If it doens't work, it

thanks for the attention.

BTW schreef: