Mike Menapace said:
I am having trouble with the InitialDirectory property of
the built-in SaveFileDialog. The property does not seem
to respond to any extended filepath I provide.
Mike Menapace
I'm currently working on writing an Open/Save dialog myself, since I'm
not satisfied with Microsoft's. I'm modeling it after the
Tillanosoft TGetFile dialog (
www.tillanosoft.com), but I intend to
open-source it once I'm done (most likely an MIT-style license, ie,
help yourself). I've got (hopefully) one last major issue to work
through regarding ListView speed, then I can finish adding
functionality. If I work at it, I could possibly have it done by the
end of this week. If you're interested, e-mail me I'll let you know
when I'm done, or at least when it's ready to be tested. It'd
actually be nice to have someone else test it out besides myself.
Mark Erikson