Working with XPe for over 3 months and I never seen this problem. Built a
new image, since the older one crashed (which actually went through FBA and
ran the XPe, just needed to add a few item), and now the standard components,
with the component expanded, click on files and the path(s) for the .inf,
..dll, etc are there but the number of bytes =0. Build Image shows all errors
due to missing files.
Tried all I know. XPe contines to hose me and this is just another hurdle
to using the tool(s).
Any experts know what is happening.
Working with XPe for over 3 months and I never seen this problem. Built a
new image, since the older one crashed (which actually went through FBA and
ran the XPe, just needed to add a few item), and now the standard components,
with the component expanded, click on files and the path(s) for the .inf,
..dll, etc are there but the number of bytes =0. Build Image shows all errors
due to missing files.
Tried all I know. XPe contines to hose me and this is just another hurdle
to using the tool(s).
Any experts know what is happening.