Files keep returning in Media Player folder



I have been trying to install media player 10 with no luck. It always says
that installation was successful, but it is still version 9.

I went to the media player folder - selected all files, and deleted them.
About 10 seconds later all of the files reappeared. I think that this may
have something to do with the installation failing.

I am running XP with SP2. This is a brand new system. Did Microsoft
install some new software to 'help me' from not deleting certain things?

Appreciate any help you can provide. Thanks...


Try in the player,click on tools,then select,check for player updates,by
default it should update to wmp 10 series,you can/could also,on the players
opening page,click on,"Free Player" i believe it is,that'll take you to wmp
for an install.


Clicking on player updates under tools stated that I have the latest updates
for media player 9.

I then tried the second suggestion - on the media player main page - ion the
right -they talk about version 10 - I clicked on it - followed the prompts to
install version 10. Halfway into installation it stated that the
installation could not continue and that I should try again. I tried this
twice with the same results. Version 9 isstill installed.

I don't understand why the version files reappear. I am thinking that
version 10 deletes these files, but before it can be installed version 9
comes back thus terminating the installation.

Any other ideas|?

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