Windows XP files gone wild

May 8, 2007
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Sometimes when deleting picture files, the system will suddenly start copying all files in the directory. This will continue up to copy 23 of each picture in the directory and sometimes beyond ). It takes forever to go through and delete all these copies. Any suggestions?

Windows XP, Zone Alarm anti-virus and anti-spyware, connect through cable company

(e-mail address removed)
That sounds like a very strange problem indeed - does it happen only to image files? If so, do you have any sort of application running in the system tray other than ZA, AV and Anti-Spyware apps?
It is a 'strange' one ... and Nettie's PC used to do the same thing ... never got it sorted as I thought it was her doing something wrong. :o

Sorry, I don't have an answer for you ...

It only happens to image files and no there is nothing else in the system tray. Thanks for your reply
Maybe instead of deleting your images you should copy them and let your PC do the rest:-)

Seriously. I think that a copy of your running processes might be in order. From the Task Manager. Ideally when the problem takes place and one baseline (normal operation). Does this happen with specific images or any one? If you create a new one what will happen? Just in this particular folder or any folder at all?

Sounds like Nettie got some virus and passed it along to you. I think that a HijackThis output will be useful. All desktop operations are interfaced with explorer. This is definetely abnormal explorer behaviour. What is your system?
nbal said:
Sounds like Nettie got some virus and passed it along to you. I think that a HijackThis output will be useful. All desktop operations are interfaced with explorer. This is definetely abnormal explorer behaviour. What is your system?
Sorry, while I still have Nettie's PC I'm afraid she died just over 2 years ago ... Her PC now uses Linux as its OS.

That PC never had any viruses, I built it, maintained it, and witnessed that "strange" occurrence and was never able to pin down what caused it ... I am pretty good at diagnosing my own PCs. ;)

I have no links with the original poster of this question. I was merely stating I have seen it happen, but never got to the bottom of why. :)

So sorry. I mixed you up with the original poster. Sorry to hear about Nettie, too. Seems you are sure it is not a malware in action. I would never think explorer that smart to do such things on its own, but it never seizes to amaze me. The only other place that I can think of such weird behaviour would be the registry.


The PC has something, though. Since this behaviour seems to be associated with specific file extensions (.jpg, .gif, .bmp?) it may be worth looking into the associations of those files. I would try to associate them with something harmless (i.e. Notepad) reboot and change the associations back to where they belong. Long shot, but harmless.

If you would still like to take a look at your processes from the Task Manager, the best way to do it would be with Paint open, to invoke him during the problem (and after) select the processes tab and <alt><Print Screen> and Paste to Paint. Immediately go back and <alt><Print Screen> the rest of the processes and paste them also to Paint.

PS Could someone tell me how to use quotes and smilies in this forum?
