Files/Folder Security help

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Hi, I need some help with my backup hdd. Its getting verrrry annoying. My
problem is that every time i want to open,copy,edit a file or folder it will
ask me for permission and i will click on OK and than after that it says i
have to change the persmissions so i can acess the file or folder im
choosing. it would show that my admin account doesnt have acess but when i
look under the user names that have acess to it, it shows my user account
name twice. A normal one and another saying im admin. This gets very
annoying because I ALWAYS have to re add myself to have permission to do
something. Is there a way to disable this feature? This annoying feature
makes me want to go back to XP
This didnt work for me. The part it says about using the command prompt didnt
go too well because it always said invalid parameter. Are they any other
Can you copy and paste from the command prompt? Click the C:\_ icon in the
upper left corner, select Edit, then Mark. Now click and drag to highlight
everything: the command you ran and the output. Right click the selection,
and paste it into a response to this post.
here is what it says:

C:\Windows\system32>icacls d:\/grant builtin\users:(OI)(CI)(M)
Invalid parameter "builtin\users:(OI)(CI)(M)"
Ok I did what you said and it worked. But I still have the same problem. Also
my hdd isnt external its internal. I still keep getting the message that I
need certain rights to acess/edit/remove files and folders. I can of course
access them if i edit it but I have hundreds of files that I would have to do
1 by 1 just to do what i want to do with it.
Whether your drive is external or internal makes no difference. Are you sure
it is drive D:\ though? Can you send me the output from this command (from an
elevated command prompt):

icacls <drive letter>\

If your drive letter is d: the command is:
icacls d:\
it is drive d:\

Jesper said:
Whether your drive is external or internal makes no difference. Are you sure
it is drive D:\ though? Can you send me the output from this command (from an
elevated command prompt):

icacls <drive letter>\

If your drive letter is d: the command is:
icacls d:\
C:\Users\Jr>icacls d:\
d:\ Jr-PC\Family & Friends Acc:(OI)(CI)(N)
NT AUTHORITY\Authenticated Users:(OI)(CI)(F)

Successfully processed 1 files; Failed processing 0 files
OK, that doesn't make much sense. That ACL says you have full control over
it. Before I have you reset them, can you run icacls on a file that you are
having a problem accessing?