A good website for information on OE is:
This is a group to support Outlook from the Office group of programs.
Outlook Express is a part of Internet Explorer and is a quite different
program, despite its similar name.
You will probably get a faster and more expert answer if you post this to an
Outlook Express news group.
Try posting in one of these newsgroups:
microsoft.public.windows.inetexplorer.ie5.outlookexpress for OE 5.x
microsoft.public.windows.inetexplorer.ie55.outlookexpress for OE 5.5x
microsoft.public.windows.inetexplorer.ie6_outlookexpress for OE 6.x
microsoft.public.internet.outlookexpress.mac for OE for Macintosh
If those groups aren't carried on the news server that's carrying this group
try using msnews.microsoft.com (MS's public news server that's the source
for all the microsoft.public newsgroups).
OUTLOOK EXPRESS, included as part of Microsoft Internet
Explorer, offers standard Internet e-mail and news access,
required by many home and small-business users.
MICROSOFT OUTLOOK, provides comprehensive integrated e-mail,
including information management and collaboration capabilities,
required by a wide spectrum of users from home to small
business to large enterprise. Outlook has the Calendar and Tasks.
Nikki Peterson [MVP - Outlook]
Tonight I noticed each time I would toggle between my
Inbox and my deleted files when I went back to my Inbox
the most recently received email would be gone. They are
not in my deleted file or any other file they are just
gone. I re-booted thinking they may re-load but no luck. I
ran my virus scan just as a precaution but have no
viruses. Any ideas?