Files and settings transfer wizard problem

  • Thread starter Mike Zuiderveen
  • Start date

Mike Zuiderveen

I decided I wanted to backup all my data and reload
Windows from scratch. I backed up my Outlook Express email
and some folders using the files and settings transfer
wizard. I backed them up to a folder named "backup". In
the backup folder the wizard created a subfolder
named "USMT2.UNC". In that subfolder there are two files
named IMG0001.DAT and status. When I try to run the wizard
again it says "The location that you specified does not
contain stored information. Please type a valid folder
path into the edit box." If anyone can help me get my
files back I'd greatly appreciate it. Thanks.


Thorsten Matzner

Mike Zuiderveen said:
I decided I wanted to backup all my data and reload
Windows from scratch. I backed up my Outlook Express email
and some folders using the files and settings transfer
wizard. I backed them up to a folder named "backup". In
the backup folder the wizard created a subfolder
named "USMT2.UNC". In that subfolder there are two files
named IMG0001.DAT and status. When I try to run the wizard
again it says "The location that you specified does not
contain stored information. Please type a valid folder
path into the edit box." If anyone can help me get my
files back I'd greatly appreciate it. Thanks.

See if this helps: "How to Troubleshoot Issues with the User State
Migration Tool and the Files and Settings Transfer Wizard"

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