dadiOH said:
dadiOH said:
Still better is FastExplorer. Add anyting you want to the
context menus for All Files, a particular file type, folders or
file folders. Et cetera.
But its so slow and bloaty...
Bloaty? No install, 1300 KB
Slow doing what? Displaying context menus? If your contect menus are slow
to open blame your system, not it.
When I right-click an explorer item, it often takes a 2nd click before the
FE DLL loads up and shows its menu entries. That is slow.
Do you think its my hardware? My notebook's specs: 500mhz/192mb.
Or do you think it's my OS (w98se)?
Note. I have experimented with a 100 or more (maybe 200?) shell extension
DLLs, that hook into explorer. All of those show menu entries instantly,
as per normal. It is uniquely FE where I see this pattern of delay.
Slow opening the program?
How about, let's talk about resources.
1. Enable "custom drawn menu items."
(this gives font and bground color choices in the FE submenu
items your create)
2. Now, in target an item in the explorer that has FE submenus set up for
it. Repeatedly fold out the FE menu items.
3. Resources plummet so fast that you can crash a w98 system in under five
Solution? Be certain to disable "custom drawn menu items."
Ok. After disabling that part, is FE still a bit leaky? That is my very
strong suspicion. But I am not sure. I have not come up with an adequate
test. Since it would be a slower leak, which would show its effect over a
course of ~dozen hrs computing use. And how to have two sessions, one with
FE enabled, and one without FE enabled, where your activities are the same?
(Maybe there is a wholly different, better way to test?)
As I said, it is a *great* program...
One more weakness. Some programs cannot be set up to work with it, in the
custom menus. Ones which work fine in normal explorer cntxt menus. It's
maybe not show-stopper, this last, but it's still something to note that
you have to take into consideration when committing to an extensive FE menu
As I said, it is a *great* program...when/if you learn how to use it.
It sat over on my drive in the wholly wrong department for a couple of
years. I'd thought it was just a context menu editor, and had it over
there with the rest of them. Finally, one day made the delighted discovery
on what its really about.
Its significantly interesting function -- it is not for editing regular
context menus. It is in how it enables you to create a special, potentially
elaborate, custom context menu system, containing a hierarchy of lost of
specific submenus. Target items for menus are not just by filetype, but
also can apply to global type things: folder, directory, drive, etc.
One day I want to try to illustrate its capabilities in depth. FastExplorer
/represents/ the program I most desire at this time. But I want the "next
version" of it, or a superior imitation. One where all leaks are fixed,
and the load delay, with its DLL, for displaying menu items on explorer,
that is resolved.
FE is wonderful. That's the very reason I find its problems to be, well, so
dang /painful/.