FileDialog Folder selection spec

  • Thread starter Thread starter Alan
  • Start date Start date


Is there a way to specify a folder spec when invoking the
FileDialog() to select a folder? I want to display
the "new*" folders and let the user select one of them.

For example:

Set fd = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker)
fd.Filters.Add xxxxxxxxx

The "fd.Filters.Add" option appears to work only for file

Is there another folder selector which supports this?


This should in theory direct all excel's "open" and "save" dialogs to the
desired folder:

ChDrive "C:\Temp"
ChDir "C:\Temp"
This helps, but doesn't solve the problem.

I have many folders in the desired folder. When the
folder selector is displayed, I want only the folders
which match my filter to be displayed.

For example, if I have the following folders:


When invoking the FileDialog to select a folder, I
first "ChDir C:\Temp", then I want to specify "new* and
display only the "new*" folders in the FileDialog.
The "old*" folders will not be displayed in the
FileDialog. Can this be done?
No, I don't think so. A folder is a folder and it doesn't have a custom "relevance"
property. Instead of an Excel dialog, you will have to roll your own control using a
programming suite like Visual Studio. It's prettty simple to do with a treeview if you
know how to -but a true pain to deploy to your users, which probably doesn't have the
necessary user priviledges to install anything.
Thanks for the followup. It appears there is not an easy
way to do it and distribute the selector to other users.

As a workaround, I'll move my list of "candidate folders"
to their own folder and use the FileDialog to browse the
container folder.

Thanks for the suggestions.
-----Original Message-----
No, I don't think so. A folder is a folder and it
doesn't have a custom "relevance"
property. Instead of an Excel dialog, you will have to roll your own control using a
programming suite like Visual Studio. It's prettty
simple to do with a treeview if you
know how to -but a true pain to deploy to your users,
which probably doesn't have the