Using the following code in Access 2003 with windows XP:
line 1 start = now
line 2 filecopy a, b
line 3 end = now
Can I be sure that line 3 will only execute AFTER the filecopy in line 2 is
finished ? If this is the case then end - start = time needed for filecopy ?
If this is not the case, how can I be sure that line 3 will only be executed
AFTER filecopy in line 2 is finished ?
Using the following code in Access 2003 with windows XP:
line 1 start = now
line 2 filecopy a, b
line 3 end = now
Can I be sure that line 3 will only execute AFTER the filecopy in line 2 is
finished ? If this is the case then end - start = time needed for filecopy ?
If this is not the case, how can I be sure that line 3 will only be executed
AFTER filecopy in line 2 is finished ?