Ondrej Sevecek wrote in
how to get file version information into some .txt file?
filever.exe (W2K Support Tools)
Prints file version information.
C:\Program Files\Support Tools\filever [/S] [/V] [/E] [/X] [/B] [/A]
[/D] [[drive:][path][filename]]
/S Displays files in specified directory and all
/V List verbose version information if available.
/E List executables only.
/X Displays short names generated for non-8dot3 file names.
/B Uses bare format (no dir listing).
/A Don't display file attributes.
/D Don't display file date and time.
and what about windows Service Pack version into the same?
Depends on how you want to get it. PSINFO.EXE (
would be one way.
psinfo | find /i "service pack"