File Upload Issues

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I would like to revisit the File Upload question. I have found that it works
perfectly for me, but when other users can not access it. Whenever they click
Submit, they get the message that the page cannot be displayed. Surely a user
doesn't need FrontPage installed to use these forms, do they? That is the
only constant I can determine. Thank you
No they'd don't need frontpage - it is a web page running on the server.

Maybe with the 'page not displayed' the site is trying to display your
custom message-sent confirmation page, and can't find it? Have you published
this page?

Have you checked the _private folder to see if the files are being uploaded?
If so then you know that bit is working and it is just some page, somewhere
it is looking for and can't find.

Please check the above and post back on the outcome if you have a friend or
someone who can check the page from their computer as you say it works OK
for you but not for visitors.

A second possibility - have you defined a custom error page in the Form
properties? If so, make sure you've published that page also. It could be
something that your visitors are doing such as not filling in a field where
you have field validation in force, and it will go to the error page
(normally the built-in one) but in this case, ifyou're using a custom error
page, it may not have been published, therefore the "File Not Found" error.

I can't think of anything else causing this, if it's working for you but no
one else that is a mystery.

What is the URL?

Was the page a part of a web that was "published" or was it a single page that was "moved" to the web?
It is an Intranet site so I can't give a useful url. But no, I checked the
files and nothing is getting updated. I have tried it without and with a
custom confirmation page without any luck either. At this time, I haven't a
clue why it doesn't work for them since it works flawlwessly for me.