File & Transfer Settings - all users?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Gordon J. Rattray
  • Start date Start date

Gordon J. Rattray

Hi there,

I am trying to use FAST to transfer all 3 users Files and Settings from an
old XP machine to a new machine.

So far when I do it, it only transfers 2 of the 3 and the files are mixed up
and not in place. One of the user's files are mixed in with another, and
that user's name does not have his own directory under "documents and

How do I make a clean FAST transfer so that I can get Bill, Sharon, and
Jessica's files and settings, and also the logon screen showing their


Try useing the custom settings "let me decide the files" box,then transfer
settings to a new folder(s),try breaking it up for each user,then add all in
new folder,then transfer to a cd or dvd.