This is a repost. Does anyone have a clue how I might solve this? I'm
including my code at the end. THANKS!!!!!!!
To briefly explain, the file name of a *.tif file (the image of the form
that created the record) is located within a table.
I've written code using the file system object method, which can locate,
copy, move, delete, etc. the target file.
What I could really use at this point is help in printing out that file.
File system object does not seem to be able to do it; [path].print doesn't
work either.
If you've successfully opened a TXT, DOC, JPG, etc. file using a module, you
may be able to help me; how did you accomplish it?
Simplified code (needs
For Each objsubfolder In objFolder.SubFolders 'Scans all folders for
ST = rst!ImageSyntax2
path = objsubfolder.path
ST = path & "\" & ST
If fso.FileExists(ST) Then
fso.CopyFile ST, "J:\Teleform\SCANDIR\"
msgkey = 1 'File has been found
End If
I'd like to change
fso.CopyFile ST, "J:\Teleform\SCANDIR\"
fso.PrintFile ST
but that of course does not work.
This is a repost. Does anyone have a clue how I might solve this? I'm
including my code at the end. THANKS!!!!!!!
To briefly explain, the file name of a *.tif file (the image of the form
that created the record) is located within a table.
I've written code using the file system object method, which can locate,
copy, move, delete, etc. the target file.
What I could really use at this point is help in printing out that file.
File system object does not seem to be able to do it; [path].print doesn't
work either.
If you've successfully opened a TXT, DOC, JPG, etc. file using a module, you
may be able to help me; how did you accomplish it?
Simplified code (needs
For Each objsubfolder In objFolder.SubFolders 'Scans all folders for
ST = rst!ImageSyntax2
path = objsubfolder.path
ST = path & "\" & ST
If fso.FileExists(ST) Then
fso.CopyFile ST, "J:\Teleform\SCANDIR\"
msgkey = 1 'File has been found
End If
I'd like to change
fso.CopyFile ST, "J:\Teleform\SCANDIR\"
fso.PrintFile ST
but that of course does not work.