File size with inserted graphics



I have a file that has English graphics in it and I am replacing these with French graphics (same picure only in French). I am using the same type of file (gif) yet the French file is 3 times the size of the original when I am done. I have compressed the pictures and inserted them as 'in front of' or 'behind text' but I can't seem to get the file down to a manageable size. I am looking for ideas on how to replace/insert pictures and keep the file size as small as possible.

Jean-Guy Marcil

Hi Sandy,

Just to make sure that the obvious is taken care of first... What are the
gif file sizes for the English and French graphics?

Jean-Guy Marcil - Word MVP
(e-mail address removed)
Word MVP site:

Sandy said:
I have a file that has English graphics in it and I am replacing these
with French graphics (same picure only in French). I am using the same type
of file (gif) yet the French file is 3 times the size of the original when I
am done. I have compressed the pictures and inserted them as 'in front of'
or 'behind text' but I can't seem to get the file down to a manageable size.
I am looking for ideas on how to replace/insert pictures and keep the file
size as small as possible.


You are the only one who replied to my question so I hope you don't mind if I give you some more details in hopes that you can help me with this problem. The orignal file was 5842KB with English text and English pictures. I am simply replaciung the English pictures with the French version and then the doc will be sent for translation. There are 52 pages in the doc. I have only placed the pictures up to page 27 and already the file is 14,288KB

I am caturing the pictures with Snagit, creating a GIF file, deleting the English picture and inserting the French version. Once the pictures are in the doc I change them to 'in front of text' so I can position them anywhere I want. I did not create the English manual but have talked extensively with the person who did and she says that this is the same way that she created the English manual. So why the huge difference in the size of the file? These are manuals that will be converted to PDF files and will be printable from the web

If you can help I would appreciate it. Where else could I go to try to find the answer to this question

----- Jean-Guy Marcil wrote: ----

Hi Sandy

Just to make sure that the obvious is taken care of first... What are th
gif file sizes for the English and French graphics

Jean-Guy Marcil - Word MV
(e-mail address removed)
Word MVP site: http://www.word.mvps.or

Sandy said:
I have a file that has English graphics in it and I am replacing thes
with French graphics (same picure only in French). I am using the same typ
of file (gif) yet the French file is 3 times the size of the original when
am done. I have compressed the pictures and inserted them as 'in front of
or 'behind text' but I can't seem to get the file down to a manageable size
I am looking for ideas on how to replace/insert pictures and keep the fil
size as small as possible

Jean-Guy Marcil

Hi Sandy,

Just to try to isolate the problem (i.e. is it Word or not?), try this
little experiment:

Ask your contact who did the English pix (also with SnagIt, right?) to snag
the "Bullet & Numbering" dialog box from Word and to save it as a GIF.
Do the same on your side.
Make sure you both have the same screen resolution (e.g. 800 x 600 32 bits

Compare the results.
If they are the same size,
Ask your contact to insert that picture in a word doc and to send it to you.
Meanwhile do the same.
Compare the two docs, are they the same size?

If yes, take your contact's Word doc, open it, replace the pix by yours.
Has the doc inflated?

Jean-Guy Marcil - Word MVP
(e-mail address removed)
Word MVP site:

Sandy said:
You are the only one who replied to my question so I hope you don't mind
if I give you some more details in hopes that you can help me with this
problem. The orignal file was 5842KB with English text and English pictures.
I am simply replaciung the English pictures with the French version and then
the doc will be sent for translation. There are 52 pages in the doc. I have
only placed the pictures up to page 27 and already the file is 14,288KB.
I am caturing the pictures with Snagit, creating a GIF file, deleting the
English picture and inserting the French version. Once the pictures are in
the doc I change them to 'in front of text' so I can position them anywhere
I want. I did not create the English manual but have talked extensively with
the person who did and she says that this is the same way that she created
the English manual. So why the huge difference in the size of the file?
These are manuals that will be converted to PDF files and will be printable
from the web.
If you can help I would appreciate it. Where else could I go to try to
find the answer to this question?

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