File Size Limitation


Michael McGee

When I try to import a file greater than 1 mg, I get an
error which said.

An error occured accessing your FrontPage web files.
Authors - If authorizing against a web server, please
contact the webmaster for this server's site. WebMasters -
please see ther server's system log for more details.

This error comes up on local and remote web.

Please respond.


David Berry

For a file that size it's better to FTP it to your site. As long as you
ONLY FTP the file and not any of the hidden _vti folders or files you won't
corrupt the Server Extensions.

Stefan B Rusynko

Think the use is trying to File Import the file into the Site
If it is on a remote server, I agree to FTP it (or better still create a subweb for large media files and FTP them all (never
opening the subweb in FP)
If it is on a local (server or side based) - then they might have to use Windows Explorer

The problem could be related to the FP 2000 SE where in the past a published fixed was:
In the registry - find the key:
HKey_Local_Machine, Software, Microsoft, Shared Tools, Web Server Extensions, All Ports.

Then add or edit the following string value: vti_maxformcontentlength
T assign a larger value (in bytes).


| For a file that size it's better to FTP it to your site. As long as you
| ONLY FTP the file and not any of the hidden _vti folders or files you won't
| corrupt the Server Extensions.
| --
| David Berry - MCP
| Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
| FrontPage Support:
| -----------------------------------
| To assist you in getting the best answers for FrontPage support see:
| -----------------------------------
| | > When I try to import a file greater than 1 mg, I get an
| > error which said.
| >
| > An error occured accessing your FrontPage web files.
| > Authors - If authorizing against a web server, please
| > contact the webmaster for this server's site. WebMasters -
| > please see ther server's system log for more details.
| >
| > This error comes up on local and remote web.
| >
| > Please respond.
| >
| > Thanks,

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