File size issue

  • Thread starter Thread starter Samantha
  • Start date Start date


Hi all,
I have created a few videos and Im having a problem with the size of them.
I'm on a fairly old machine (13gb) using XP. I originally had a huge problem
with frame dropping but overcame that by using another program to capture the
footage from my camera and then importing it into moviemaker to fiddle with
it. Now each file 8 minute piece is over 1gb (in .avi format) - lol .. its
putting a strain on my hard drive. I want to decrease the size of each file.

Please tell me how to do it - also please tell me whether I would be better
off to convert the files to .wmv - or please tell me am I looking at the
wrong program altogether.

Im kind of lost so any help would be hugely appreciated.

Thanks in advance,

Hi Samantha,

Yes, converting them to wmv will save lots of space and the quality won't go
down too much..... depending on how much editing you'll be doing with them,
and where your heading to show the finished movies (YouTube or DVD playing
on a big new monitor might be the extremes)

Use the highest quality option for the wmv files... if you need higher, see
my website's Save Movies > Custom WMV Profiles page.

Do a small quick test project from beginning to end to see how well the
process works for you.

..... if you have USB2 connections, an external USB drive will work well to
supplement your computer space.