Way back in 2005 I had decoded files from a couple of DVD's via an Apple Laptop (That's what my friend had), while on a visit to Japan.
Apple copied the file as 1 single 4GB+ file.
When I got back home and played the file on my Windows XP, the DVD played just over 40 minutes and stopped.
Windows only recognised the file size as 1.99GB - file limitations by XP.
My DVD player also did not play the whole DVD.
I came across the single file DVD's and just before tossing them into the garbage bin wanted to know if there is any way to go around this.
Apple copied the file as 1 single 4GB+ file.
When I got back home and played the file on my Windows XP, the DVD played just over 40 minutes and stopped.
Windows only recognised the file size as 1.99GB - file limitations by XP.
My DVD player also did not play the whole DVD.
I came across the single file DVD's and just before tossing them into the garbage bin wanted to know if there is any way to go around this.