When I post something in a public forum and ask for
strangers to give me some of their time, free of charge,
to help me, then I will make every effort to write my request
clearly, concisely and in an easy-to-read style so that
the potential respondent has no problem at all in
wrapping his mind around my issue. If I wrote it poorly,
ignoring standard and accepted conventions in spelling
and punctuation, then he/she might think that I could not be
bothered to take the time to proof-read my own post, that I
did not really care about the whole thing. This is how
I would go about it; I shall never know what you thought
when you composed your own initial post. If my sarcastic
response shook you up then so be it.
With respect to your technical issue: Here are some
additional notes that might be of help.
"Not enough server storage is available to process this
- Usually handled by applying the latest service pack
- Sometimes caused by NAV or IBM AV:
Protected Service is a service that is used by Internet Information Server
and Internet Explorer. This service is responsible for encrypting data on
the local system so that only the user who owns the data can access it.
This is a required service if you want IIS or IE to function properly.
If the service failed:
1. Delete the key 'ProtectedStorage' in
2. Reboot
3. In a Command Prompt type 'pstores.exe -install'
If it still fails then you may have a non-zero PagedPoolSize entry in the
Edit HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session
Manager\Memory Management and Set PagedPoolSize to 0.
Another cause is dealt with in KB Article q106167.