Hi Bruce,
If you really, really want to do this, it definitely can be done. Here are
some instructions below. I do take the liberty of having a few assumptions.
These assumptions are ...
1) You want this added every time you open Excel
2) You want to retain the ability to delete this if desired
3) You already have a Personal.xls file created (if not, post back and we'll
fix ya up)
4) It will not affect if no workbook is open, and
5) It will give you an error message if no disk is inserted in drive A
If these are alright, follow these instructions ...
1) Hit Alt + F11, to enter the Visual Basic Editor (VBE)
2) Hit Ctrl + R, to open the Project Explorer (PE; if not already open)
3) Select your Personal.xls file/project in the PE (filename is bolded)
4) Select Insert (menu) | Module
5) Copy/paste the code below to the right (blank) pane (aka Code Pane)
6) Hit Alt + Q, to return to Excel
7) Save changes before anything else is done.
Code to copy/paste:
Option Explicit
Const STNAME As String = " Floppy (A

Sub AddSendToFloppy()
Dim cbPo As CommandBarPopup
Dim cbFl As CommandBarButton
Dim strText As String
Call DeleteSendToFloppy
Set cbPo = Application.CommandBars("File").Controls("Send To")
Set cbFl = cbPo.CommandBar.Controls.Add(msoControlButton, 1)
strText = "3" & Chr(189) & STNAME
With cbFl
.Caption = strText
.DescriptionText = strText
.FaceId = 3
.OnAction = "SendToFloppy"
.Tag = strText
.TooltipText = strText
End With
End Sub
Sub DeleteSendToFloppy()
On Error Resume Next
Dim cbPo As CommandBarPopup
Set cbPo = Application.CommandBars("File").Controls("Send To")
cbPo.CommandBar.Controls("3" & Chr(189) & STNAME).Delete
End Sub
Sub SendToFloppy()
Dim strDrive As String, strPath As String
If ActiveWorkbook Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
strPath = ActiveWorkbook.Path
strDrive = Left(strPath, 3)
On Error GoTo errHandler
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs "A:\"
ChDrive strDrive
ChDir strPath
Exit Sub
MsgBox "There was an error. Please ensure a disc is inserted in drive
Resume changeDirectory
End Sub
To use add to your Send To menu, just press Alt + F8, select
'AddSendToFloppy', click Ok.
Now, to get it to open everytime Excel opens, you'll need to add another
routine to your Personal.xls file. First (from within the VBE), expand all
folders of your Personal.xls project in the PE (left pane). You should see
a ThisWorkbook module, double click it. You'll get a blank pane on the
right (as long as nothing has been programmed there before, which I'm
assuming). If you have something there, we'll need to adapt; but assuming
you have nothing, copy/paste the following code in there ...
Option Explicit
Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean)
Call DeleteSendToFloppy
End Sub
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Call AddSendToFloppy
End Sub
Before doing anything else, go to File | Save, then hit Alt + Q. Now you
will always have it. Post back with any questions (I know that was a lot).