FileScan Tool is a so called "file-triggered event tool" or an
automation-tool which scans a directory for incoming files and executes
a pre-programmed command-script upon finding a file. For the
command-script you can choose from a powerfull set of internal commands
or call any external program.<Echo>, <CopyFile>, <MoveFile>,
<DeleteFile>, <DeleteEmptyFile>, <PurgeFile>, <CreateDir>, <RemoveDir>,
<Shell>, <DDE>
Version-4 now also has the ability to dynamically use variables
which you can use in the command-script. There are LocalVariables which
you can use within a specific "FileScanner" and GlobalVariables which
you can use to exchange information between multiple FileScanners.
The following functions are available for the "<SetVariable> <Local>"
and "<SetVariable> <Global>" commands;
<SubString>, <StringLength>, <FindString>, <UpperCase>, <LowerCase>,
<ReplaceChar>, <ReplaceSpace>, <StripChar>, <Add>, <Subtract>,
<Multiply>, <Divide> and <Int>
Furthermore FST offers you a wide range of pre-set variables which
you can use in the command-script which include the name of the file
that is found, the directory (including subdirectory) in which the file
was found, time-information, date-information, filesize, file-timestamp,
extension of the file etc...
Using these variables you can manipulate the file(name) in an almost
endless way.
sysop at rtdos dot com
http://www.rtdos.com (alt OS for games based on the classics)
http://rtdos.com/webportal (retro computing webportal)
http://i.webring.com/hub?ring=mess ( M.E.S.S. emulator official webring )
FileScan Tool is a so called "file-triggered event tool" or an
automation-tool which scans a directory for incoming files and executes
a pre-programmed command-script upon finding a file. For the
command-script you can choose from a powerfull set of internal commands
or call any external program.<Echo>, <CopyFile>, <MoveFile>,
<DeleteFile>, <DeleteEmptyFile>, <PurgeFile>, <CreateDir>, <RemoveDir>,
<Shell>, <DDE>
Version-4 now also has the ability to dynamically use variables
which you can use in the command-script. There are LocalVariables which
you can use within a specific "FileScanner" and GlobalVariables which
you can use to exchange information between multiple FileScanners.
The following functions are available for the "<SetVariable> <Local>"
and "<SetVariable> <Global>" commands;
<SubString>, <StringLength>, <FindString>, <UpperCase>, <LowerCase>,
<ReplaceChar>, <ReplaceSpace>, <StripChar>, <Add>, <Subtract>,
<Multiply>, <Divide> and <Int>
Furthermore FST offers you a wide range of pre-set variables which
you can use in the command-script which include the name of the file
that is found, the directory (including subdirectory) in which the file
was found, time-information, date-information, filesize, file-timestamp,
extension of the file etc...
Using these variables you can manipulate the file(name) in an almost
endless way.
sysop at rtdos dot com
http://www.rtdos.com (alt OS for games based on the classics)
http://rtdos.com/webportal (retro computing webportal)
http://i.webring.com/hub?ring=mess ( M.E.S.S. emulator official webring )