File Saved to Destkop Lost - Any ideas?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Norma
  • Start date Start date


This has happened 4 times with Vista:
A word on the Desktop is opened, modified, saved and closed.
Then, the word file is opened but it is showing an earlier version of the
Any ideas on how to recover the word file and how to avoid this from

What version of Word are you using?
How are you opening the Word file on the Desktop?
Ronnie: The word version we have is: Word 2007 (12.0.6212.1000) from
Microsoft Office Home and Student 2007

The file was opened by clicking the icon on the desktop.

Thank you.
Ronnie - to be more specific, the actual file (not the word application) was
saved on the desktop and the file was opened by clicking on it right on the
desktop. Thank you.
Norma said:
Ronnie - to be more specific, the actual file (not the word application)
was saved on the desktop and the file was opened by clicking on it right

I don't pretend to be more than caveperson level with Word, but is it
possible that the file is being saved (or Saved As) and the modified file
is being saved in your Documents? If this isn't possible, is this a domain
computer and possibly set to not allow changes on the Desktop (WAG here).
See what happens if you Save As to your Documents instead of to the Desktop
and then make a shortcut to the file on your Desktop. These are just
speculations because I've not ever seen this sort of thing happen all by
