Daniel Jones
Does anyone know how to access the properties for the last date/time
an .xls file was saved within VBA?
an .xls file was saved within VBA?
Hi Daniel,
Dim dateLastSave As Date
dateLastSave =FileDateTime(ThisWorkbook.Name)
MsgBox dateLastSave
Note: ThisWorkbook.Name can be replaced with the name of the workbook in
double quotes and it can be any other workbook as well as the current one..
However, will need to include the path if it is not in the current default
Example (In current default path):
dateLastSave =FileDateTime("My Other workbook.xls")
Hi Daniel,
Dim dateLastSave As Date
dateLastSave = FileDateTime(ThisWorkbook.Name)
MsgBox dateLastSave
Note: ThisWorkbook.Name can be replaced with the name of the workbook in
double quotes and it can be any other workbook as well as the current one..
However, will need to include the path if it is not in the current default
Example (In current default path):
dateLastSave = FileDateTime("My Other workbook.xls")