Terry said:
Okay, had an admin acct. on my XP-Home edition, and we had to
re-install windows. When i made the acct. again, the old file
remained and a new one with a bunch of .HOME-02372 bull was tacked
on the end.
the old file remains, still with stuff in it if i search for it,
but i cant remove it at all.
there IS no security tab.
you cannot disable simplified sharing on the home edition of windows
i tried using DOS to delete it, but i cant, access is denied.
when i tried to look in it using cd it said the file wasnt there,
but when i used DIR the file WAS there.
so im pretty angry, and was hoping someone could help me.
Please - in the future if you feel you must place the same post in multiple
groups - do so with a CROSSPOST instead of multi-posting. That way if
someone reads and responds in one group - it is read and responded to in all
groups you posted to (if that is their desire/settings.)
I'll answer same as I did in security_admin..
You should read a little more carefully - if you were reading the article
(s) concerned with taking ownership in Windows XP that is..
How to Take Ownership of a File or Folder in Windows XP
How to disable simplified sharing & set permissions
on a shared folder in Windows XP
The first article clearly states..
"Note You must be logged on to the computer with an account that has
administrative credentials. If you are running Microsoft Windows XP Home
Edition, you must start the computer in safe mode, and then log on with an
account that has Administrative rights to have access to the Security tab."
Notice the mention of XP Home. Does that get you past the hurdle?