Christoph Bisping
Maybe someone is able to give me a little hint on this:
I've written a vb.net app which is mainly an interpreter for specialized
CAD/CAM files.
These files mainly contain simple movement and drawing instructions like
"move to's" and "change color's" optionally followed by one or more numeric
(int or float) arguments. My problem is that the parsing algorithm I've
currently implemented is extremely slow.
Basically I'm aproaching these files as follows:
Read 2 bytes from disk and check if these bytes match any known command.
This is done in a large Select Case-statement (about 30 "cases").
If this statement finds a "move to" command, for example, then I'm trying to
extract the arguments.
Please see the following code extract:
Do While ((IsNumeric(strThisChar)) Or (strThisChar = ",") Or _
(strThisChar =".") Or (strThisChar = "-") Or (strThisChar = " "))
If ((IsNumeric(strThisChar)) Or (strThisChar = ".") Or _
(strThisChar = "-")) Then
' this character belongs to the current argument
If ((Len(aryValues(lValueIdx)) = 0) And (strThisChar = ".")) Then
aryValues(lValueIdx) = "0"
strThisChar = "," ' Workaround: this value will become float
End If
aryValues(lValueIdx) += strThisChar ' Here I'm simply concentrating the
strThisChar = m_HPGLFile.ReadChar ' this is my input filestream
Else ' finished one argument
lValueIdx += 1
ReDim Preserve aryValues(lValueIdx)
strThisChar = m_HPGLFile.ReadChar
End If
As you can see, I'm building an array with all arguments that are following
the command.
How would you code such a file parsing algorithm? I strongly believe that my
extensive Select Case-statement and the "argument reader" shown above are my
main bottlenecks. These functions are called thousands of times during file
Any hints would be greatly appreciated ;-)
Christoph Bisping
Maybe someone is able to give me a little hint on this:
I've written a vb.net app which is mainly an interpreter for specialized
CAD/CAM files.
These files mainly contain simple movement and drawing instructions like
"move to's" and "change color's" optionally followed by one or more numeric
(int or float) arguments. My problem is that the parsing algorithm I've
currently implemented is extremely slow.
Basically I'm aproaching these files as follows:
Read 2 bytes from disk and check if these bytes match any known command.
This is done in a large Select Case-statement (about 30 "cases").
If this statement finds a "move to" command, for example, then I'm trying to
extract the arguments.
Please see the following code extract:
Do While ((IsNumeric(strThisChar)) Or (strThisChar = ",") Or _
(strThisChar =".") Or (strThisChar = "-") Or (strThisChar = " "))
If ((IsNumeric(strThisChar)) Or (strThisChar = ".") Or _
(strThisChar = "-")) Then
' this character belongs to the current argument
If ((Len(aryValues(lValueIdx)) = 0) And (strThisChar = ".")) Then
aryValues(lValueIdx) = "0"
strThisChar = "," ' Workaround: this value will become float
End If
aryValues(lValueIdx) += strThisChar ' Here I'm simply concentrating the
strThisChar = m_HPGLFile.ReadChar ' this is my input filestream
Else ' finished one argument
lValueIdx += 1
ReDim Preserve aryValues(lValueIdx)
strThisChar = m_HPGLFile.ReadChar
End If
As you can see, I'm building an array with all arguments that are following
the command.
How would you code such a file parsing algorithm? I strongly believe that my
extensive Select Case-statement and the "argument reader" shown above are my
main bottlenecks. These functions are called thousands of times during file
Any hints would be greatly appreciated ;-)
Christoph Bisping