I see that I can identify a files owner in windows explorer, hpw do I get
that information using VB.net
that information using VB.net
BHz00 said:I see that I can identify a files owner in windows explorer, hpw do I get
that information using VB.net
BHz00 said:I place your suggestion into my code, replace <path> with my variable,
do I need to replace (NTAccount) with? The code stop with an
IdentityNotMappedException was unhandled. How or what do I need to do to
handle it?
BHz00 said:I place your suggestion into my code, replace <path> with my
variable, what do I need to replace (NTAccount) with? The code stop
with an IdentityNotMappedException was unhandled. How or what do I
need to do to handle it?
(watch forline-wrap)
BHz00 said:The function gives me a NullReferenceException was unhandled - Use the
"new" keyword to create an object instance when used in the following
I am glad you wrote [Always] as you did, for learning the syntax it is not[Always] use Option Strict On at the top of your code - it will alert you
to problem areas.