I have a VB2005 program that has to import data from a 3.5 floppy drive and
USB drives. I use a file open dialog to choose the file, works great. The
problem occurs the next time I wish to open a file. If the last import was
done from a floppy drive the program looks for a floppy drive first and if
it has been removed I get an error. While I could just catch the error, I
would rather know how to avoid it. Something similar happens with USB
drives, if I import from a USB drive, the USB drive cannot be safely removed
until the program is ended. The initial directory of the file open dialog
is set to a C drive directory. It just seems that the program is not
releasing the last used drive until the program is exited. Can someone tell
me what I should do?
With dlgFileOpen
.InitialDirectory = strAppPath & "Imports\"
.Multiselect = False
.Filter = strFilterExt
.FileName = strDefaultFile
.FilterIndex = 1
.Title = strOpenTitle
End With
funGetFileName = dlgFileOpen.FileNames(0)
USB drives. I use a file open dialog to choose the file, works great. The
problem occurs the next time I wish to open a file. If the last import was
done from a floppy drive the program looks for a floppy drive first and if
it has been removed I get an error. While I could just catch the error, I
would rather know how to avoid it. Something similar happens with USB
drives, if I import from a USB drive, the USB drive cannot be safely removed
until the program is ended. The initial directory of the file open dialog
is set to a C drive directory. It just seems that the program is not
releasing the last used drive until the program is exited. Can someone tell
me what I should do?
With dlgFileOpen
.InitialDirectory = strAppPath & "Imports\"
.Multiselect = False
.Filter = strFilterExt
.FileName = strDefaultFile
.FilterIndex = 1
.Title = strOpenTitle
End With
funGetFileName = dlgFileOpen.FileNames(0)