I don't know if this is exacly what you want, but ...
I built a userform, Userform1 and put a label on it, Label1. I set the label to be Autosizing and with Wordwrap off. Then I created this little macro ...
Sub showFileName()
UserForm1.Show vbModeless
UserForm1.Label1.Caption = ActivePresentation.FullName
End Sub
Then I placed an Information action button on the Master Slide (SlideShow menu item) so that the button would be on every slide, except the title.
Thus the show's filename (actually the fully qualified pathspec to the file) was shown on the presented form. If you only want the 'Title' of the file, replace everything on the right of the equal sign with the formulation on the following comment line above.
By making the userform Modeless, it can remain as the presentation proceeds, though you need to use the mouse to reselect the presentation to be able to do this.
Like I said, this may not be what you had in mind, but it was as close as I could come.
Tom Lavedas