File Mystery Help!


Candace Sparks

One of the users at a client site has been having file problems. If
computer1 sends docA to him via e-mail, he opens it, saves it as docB, sends
docB back to computer 1, it arrives as docA. Any ideas?

Thank you for your help in advance!

Candace Sparks


Candace said:
One of the users at a client site has been having file problems. If
computer1 sends docA to him via e-mail, he opens it, saves it as docB,
sends docB back to computer 1, it arrives as docA.

When they save the attachment, they can rename it back to docA?


It may well be worth recalling that "Baloo said:
When they save the attachment, they can rename it back to docA?

Also that renaming would be automatic, if either clicked on docA in an
attempt to replace it with docB, while saving. Human error I suspect.

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