When I create(from Word or WordPerfect) and/or download a file, save it to a storage location , there is a problem with the display of that file. Upon opening my storage location folder it is not visible, I must back into My Documents and advance to the folder AGAIN ..to have the folder displayed. I have created a personal doc (called my personal doc.. to drag and drop some files I have created) Upon opening there is NO my personal docs and all the files it contained are visible I then back into My Document and return...Viola!... there is My persoanl docs with the files inside. ALSO ... (example.. I have downloaded files(numbered 1 - 12 ) from my online class) when I enter into the folder from My Documents only 10 files are visible..9 & 11 are not visible, If I am saving/saving as or opening a file from within an application(Word or WordPerfect) 10 files display 8 - 12 are not visible. All 12 files can be reached but are not visible at the same time... please help