File Management

  • Thread starter Thread starter Allison
  • Start date Start date


Does anyone know of a very robust file management software solution on the
market? I need something that will prevent users from copying certain files
(mp3, wav, mov, wma, etc) to our network servers. At the same time, I would
like it to have the ability to report how much data has been circulated on
and off the server in any given time frame, which users copied data to the
servers, how much they copied, how much data resides in any particular
folder, and any trend information. The more granular the product, the
better. I'm hoping that there is something out there that can at least do a
lot of these functions. By the way, I am clustering my file services on two
Windows 2000 Advanced Server systems.

Write a service for the server. It will look for files created with the
extensions you want to ban and delete them. You can issue a file creation
call and the thread will be awaken when a file is created. You might need
to have multiple calls outstanding so you don't miss a file that is created
during the time your code is signaled and you register for the wait again.
Your program could examine the files to see if the content is of a banned
nature, if desired.

The simplest method is to fire the first person that puts them on the server
and I think the problem will go away.
Well, actually I was looking for something that was more robust. A while
back, we had a vendor install a program that sized our system space,
monitored files moving back and forth on the system, who was responsible,
had the ability to block certain files, and had some reporting functions. I
totally forgot the name of the product because they had used it to size out
our SAN, rather than use it to do what I am asking now. Unfortunately, I
lost the guys business card. Now, I am back at square one trying to find a
product that is suitable for out enterprise. At this point, I do not want to
develop the product. If I was able to do that, I wouldn't be working for

We are a large Fortune5000 company with 30,000+ users.
We use Storage Central for disk quota mgmt and also file
type mgmt. It takes some babysitting to make sure you
stay up to date with drivers, etc. but it works well when
it's working.