Scott LeRoc
Basically when I start my Windows 2000 box I get;
File is missing or Corrupt: C:\WINNT\Sytem32
I follow the steps in Knowledge Base Article - 319136
to replace it except steps E. and F. don't exist in my
setup and when I do try to execute the expand command i
get "Access Denied" when I try to write to the C:\WINNT (i
can't even "cd" into the directory) there is no followup
to this problem within the KB article any help would be
File is missing or Corrupt: C:\WINNT\Sytem32
I follow the steps in Knowledge Base Article - 319136
to replace it except steps E. and F. don't exist in my
setup and when I do try to execute the expand command i
get "Access Denied" when I try to write to the C:\WINNT (i
can't even "cd" into the directory) there is no followup
to this problem within the KB article any help would be