Bill said:
Is it faster to read through a file, without checking for end of
stream, and catch the EndOfStreamException or to do a check for
position vs. length after reading each line of a file? This is using a
I am going to setup a some performance tests but wanted to gather any
input from the learned groopies.
Results of my testing didn't seem very conclusive. I might have gone
about it the wrong way but anyways...
All depends on how many reads you do to the file. It appears that
<5000 reads, it is faster to check position/length. >5000 reads, it is
faster to catch the EndOfStream exception
Here is the code I used for the tests, using files of varying length,
averaging multiple reads of the file. The file being read is just a
bunch of sequential uints written using a binary reader.
private static double ReadWithPositionCheck(string fileName)
long start = 0, end = 0;
using(Stream stream = File.Open(fileName, FileMode.Open,
FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read))
using(BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(stream))
QueryPerformanceCounter(out start);
long length = reader.BaseStream.Length;
long readLength = length - 4;
long position = 0;
while(position < readLength)
position += 4;
QueryPerformanceCounter(out end);
return (double)(end - start) / Frequency;
private static double ReadWithoutPositionCheck(string fileName)
long start = 0, end = 0;
using(Stream stream = File.Open(fileName, FileMode.Open,
FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read))
using(BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(stream))
QueryPerformanceCounter(out start);
QueryPerformanceCounter(out end);
return (double)(end - start) / Frequency;