file icons in explorer



I have folders with thousands of JPG image files which are
associated with photoshop. When I open these folders in
explorer it very slowly replaces each of the generic file
icons with a photoshop icon, it takes forever!

Anyway, it's driving me nuts as it wastes a lot of time
and resources.

I have tried changing the icon from the folder options,
file types UI but it still always very slowly loads the
darn photoshop icon. Any ideas for a fix? I'm not afraid
to edit the registry.


George Hester

You need to disassociate Photoshop from the jpg file-type association. That is usually done oin Photoshop itself. The only trouble with that is it doesn't really work. Your default association for jpg has been hosed by Photoshop. Check Microsoft's Knowledge Base how to get the associations for gif; bmp; and jpg back to what they should be. The articles on this are specific to Windows 98 but that doesn't matter the process is the same.

Likely this should do it for you: Start | Run | regedit | OK

Name: (Default)
Type: REG_SZ
Data: jpegfile

Your issue of slowness. What version of Microsoft Internet Explorer are you using in Windows 2000 (SP?)? If it is 6 that is your problem.


That did it!
Thank you

I'm running IE 6.0.2800.1106

What does IE version have to do with it?
-----Original Message-----
You need to disassociate Photoshop from the jpg file-type
association. That is usually done oin Photoshop itself.
The only trouble with that is it doesn't really work.
Your default association for jpg has been hosed by
Photoshop. Check Microsoft's Knowledge Base how to get
the associations for gif; bmp; and jpg back to what they
should be. The articles on this are specific to Windows
98 but that doesn't matter the process is the same.
Likely this should do it for you: Start | Run | regedit | OK

Name: (Default)
Type: REG_SZ
Data: jpegfile

Your issue of slowness. What version of Microsoft
Internet Explorer are you using in Windows 2000 (SP?)? If
it is 6 that is your problem.message news:[email protected]...

George Hester

Well if you can remember the way Windows Explorer behaved prior to installing Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 in Windows 2000 you will see why. Go find a machine with Windows 2000 that does not have Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 installed. Open Windows Explorer from a shortcut on the desktop. A good one to choose is this one:


Now have this same shortcut on your Windows 2000 with Internet Explorer 6 installed. Do you notice the difference in the way Windows Explorer loads? In the Windows 2000 that does NOT have Internet Explorer 6 installed your folder view on the left all the folders will appear instantly when Windows Explorer comes up. But on the Windows 2000 with Internet Explorer 6 the folders on the left (in folder view) will apear much slower and in succession.

That is a Internet Explorer 6 issue installed in Windows 2000. And it is why you were having the slow (and in succession right?) rendition of the Photoshop icons.

Actually this issue can also occur because you have too many images in the folder. Especially if you are viewing as Thumbnails. But if you are just viewing as details then the slowness is Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.

We have what is called Web View in Windows 2000. There is a reason Microsoft has removed this "enhancement" from their Windows products. And the reason is in a direct relationship to Microsoft Internet Explorer 6. Many might think they just got rid of Web View (Windows XP/2003) because Joe who invernted it left Microsoft. Nope. They got rid of it because it doesn't play nice with Internet Explorer 6.

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