I found the way to copy File from Clipboard.
Unfortunately it is not what I was looking for.
I need the user makes right click on an attachement file in Outlook, selects
Copy from popup menu, comes to my application, clicks on the button and File
from Clipboard is saved in the folder, specifically created by my program.
I started with Outlook.Attachements, but this collection contains all
attachements of the displayed message. I do not want to save all of them, I
just need the selected attachement.
I decided that if I can right click the attachment and select Copy, then I
have a file on the Clipboard. Unfortunately it's not like that. I can copy
the file on the disk with right click and then paste it with my code, but
that code doesn't see the file on Clipboard if the file was copied from
So, now I need a sample which pastes the selected attachment file from
Outlook onto HD
Thank you