File Format



Hi, Can you please advise me what to save my inputed video clip as. This is
to burn onto a DVD single layer, and play back on a DVD player. As DV-AVI
uses a lot of space will the best quality as recommended by Movie Maker 2
give a full size good quality picture on a TV. The video inputed to Movie
Maker 2 is 2hrs. and 10 mins. long. Many thaks,


You want to stick with DV-AVI if you wanted to put it on a
DVD. One option I've seen posted is to use your DVD
burning software to burn it to the hard drive (not the
DVD). Then use DVD Shrink to 'back up' the files to a DVD.
DVD Shrink is free software that 'backs up' DVDs and
compresses them to fit on a DVD-R disk. I have used DVD
Shrink but haven't tried the above as I have not had the
need to yet.


John Kelly


If your eventual target is DVD then you should save to DV-AVI. (If using Movie
Maker) DV-AVI from Movie Maker is a slightly compressed format that is
acceptable to most if not all DVD authoring programs. With other software you
can save in RAW mode, but for one hour of video you need roughly eight times
more than DV-AVI takes (13 to 16GB) RAW Mode is as good as you can get...I
tried it a couple of times, brilliant preservation of content....hours and
hours to do the simplest thing though.

Best Wishes.....John Kelly
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