Ok, this is finally making sense. So, you have a list of names in your
and you want Contact management software - (Also called Relationship
so that you can look up names, add your notes, documents, reminders etc for
easy tracking.
www.act.com and
These very affordable programs (ACT! US$229 and Goldmine $150)
offer a tremendous amount of functionality. Of course there are many more
such as Siebel and Microsoft CRM that offer even more functionality...
It is evident that your organization has strict policies on data
dissemination and computer usage -
(local storage disallowed and limited Server access). That is a tough
battle to fight. Still, all is not lost.
Some level of contact management is built into many products such as:
* Microsoft Outlook
* Accounting software from Peachtree and Quickbooks all the way to the
high end
Perhaps you can take advantage of that functionality.
If not, you have build your case and justify the purchase of contact
management software.
Yes, it is a substantial effort to do what you want in Access, nor is there
any need to do it.
Anything can be a database.
The term Database is often used loosely to mean anything that contains data.
This looser meaning was often used by non-techies, but the technical world
is coming around to validating that thinking.
With ADO and ADO.Net we have a plethora of possibilities - Even the humble
file system can be treated just like a database
(and in a future version of windows, the file system will be a modified SQL
Server database)
and there is the ability to connect to any number of Data Providers such as
Exchange etc.
Good luck